Argo (2012)


Argo (2012) Story Structuring and Plotting


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Call To Adventure

a) The suggestion at the meeting that the trapped six have to leave the Canadian Ambassador's home.

b) Tony Mendez insisting that the only way to get the six out is through the airport.

Implicitly, it is a call to exit the Ordinary World and State.

Implicitly, it is a call to find out who the hero is ("who is this?").


Refusal of the Call

The Refusal of the Call in Argo (2012) is:

a) The resistance at the meeting to get the six out through the airport.

b) The lack of a plan to get them out through the airport, which keeps the six contained within the Ordinary World. This is a form of interdiction.


Supernatural Aid / Meeting The Mentor

There are multiple Supernatural Aids in Argo (2012) - Jack O'Donnell encourages Tony Mendez to go to the New World; John Chambers and Lester Siegel assist acquire Magical Gifts etc while he's there.


First Threshold

The physical Crossing of the First Threshold in Argo (2012) is physical movement into a New World - Tony Mendez's arrival in Hollywood.


Belly of the Whale

The Belly of the Whale is a general term and better understood by examining it's constituent components.

The Belly of the Whale in Argo (2012) is:

a) The beginning of the trials and sentences, which drives the urgency of the journey into the deeper new world (the journey into Iran).

b) Tony's loss of contact with his wife and child, referencing the need for the deeper journey leading to repair and wholeness and the return home.


Road of Trials

The Road of Trials is where the old self begins to dissolve away ("I think we're going to die here").

Death symbolism reinforces this (the man shot in the street).

Road symbolism demonstrates physical movement from one place and state to another (Tony making his way through Tehran).

Trials lead to the acquisition of magical gifts (Tony acquiring visas, permission from the ministry of culture etc).

There is no remaining as is or going back (the Canadian Embassy is being closed down - there is nowhere for the six to stay anymore).

The New Self begins to materialize (the six have to learn their new identity).

The hero / archetypes begin to learn who they are (Tony reveals his real name to earn Joe Stafford's trust and to get him to play along).


Meeting The Goddess

The Meeting with the Goddess is a metaphor for a number of things.

Commonly, there is forced choice into the domain of innermost fear (the six are forced, unwillingly, to walk through the bazaar; the housekeeper is forced to lie to one of the secret police).

Archetypes are halfway to their new selves (the six know what their roles are; the housekeeper finds that she cannot betray).

Archetypes acquire tangibles, which represent intangibles (the secret police take photos etc).


Woman as Temptress

The Woman as the Temptress is a metaphor for a number of things, including forced discovery of who one is.

Tony Mendez is forced to discover who he really is, after the operation is cancelled. He discovers that he's responsible, that he won't abandon the six.


Atonement With The Father

The Atonement with the Father is the confrontation and surpassing of parent archetypes. Jack O'Donnell has to get past the President's backstop; get past the Chief of Staff.



Apotheosis is the psychological and physical passing of limitations.

Tony knows who he is.

Tony loses his dependence of the CIA.

The six the leave the world in which they've been contained, the Canadian Ambassador's home.


Ultimate Boon

The Ultimate Boon is readiness - the six are ready to leave.

The Ultimate Boon is the set of magical gifts acquired as a result of journeying through the New World.

The six's tickets are miraculously confirmed.


Refusal of the Return

Refusal of the Return here is literal - the final blocks preventing the return - the checkpoints; the revolutionary guards, who take Tony and the six into a side room to be questioned.


Magic Flight

The Magic Flight can be literally and most simply described as escape with the boon.

Tony is attempting to escape with his boon - the six.


Rescue From Without

Rescue From Without can be described as the overcoming of limitations, which prevent the return.

Tony and the six get past the checkpoints and onto the flight.


Crossing of the Return Threshold

Physically, the Crossing of the Return Threshold is literally the crossing back to home.

Tony and the six in the aircraft flying away and crossing out of Iranian air space.


Master of the Two Worlds

The Master of the Two Worlds is literally master of the ordinary and new worlds.

Joe Stafford shakes Tony's hand on the aircraft back (New World) and is awarded the Intelligence Star (Ordinary World). He becomes a "Great American."


Freedom To Live

Freedom to Live can be described as freedom from limitations - Tony is awarded the Intelligence Star; he will not be prosecuted.

Freedom to Live can be described as freedom from ones innermost fear - the six no longer live in fear.

Freedom to Live can be described as freedom to return home - Tony is allowed back home; he is allowed to become whole with his family again.


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by Kal Bashir